Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 7:30 pm
National Cathedral (The Great Nave)
Musicians from the Lakota Music Project (South Dakota)
Cathedra conducted by Michael McCarthy
Bryan Akipa, Dakota flute
Emmanuel Black Bear, singer
William Sharp, baritone
Netanel Draiblate, violin
Emanuele Arciuli, piano
PostClassical Ensemble conducted by Angel Gil-Ordóñez
Introductory remarks by Representative Deb Haaland (New Mexico)
Native American music and dance
Antonin Dvorák: Larghetto from Violin Sonatina
Ferruccio Busoni: Indian Notebook No. 2 for solo piano
Arthur Farwell: 16-part a cappella choral pieces, songs, piano works
Curt Cacioppo: North American Indigenous Songs for chorus (DC premiere)
Jerod Tate: Shakamaxon for string orchestra (DC premiere)
Jerod Tate: “Resolution” from Standing Bear (DC premiere)